
green concrete

Reduce, Recycle, Innovate

At Ducon Green, the green concrete and C&D Recycling plant at Jebel Ali in Dubai, we aim to be a sustainability leader in our industry, and our strategy identifies sustainability as one of our four strategic priorities. Again and again, by innovating new and better technologies and by improving our ways of operating, we help to create a more sustainable future. !

Accordingly we help contractors and homeowners process Construction & Demolition (C&D) debris, Green concrete waste materials for the purpose of diverting recyclable material from the waste stream and keeping the region green concrete and more sustainable. Identically we aim for net-zero in our own operations and decarbonization of our industries.

Green concrete, also known as environmentally friendly or sustainable concrete, refers to concrete that has been designed and produced with the goal of reducing its environmental impact generally compared to traditional concrete.


Aside from our exceptional skills, talent and innovative drive in the construction industry and field of work, we carry the greatest trait that any organization could possibly have: a deep sense of social responsibility and collaboration. What more we are instrumental in achieving the “Zero Waste” goals in the UAE. Additionally we are committed to achieving the goals aligned with the UAE Vision that highlight full focus towards developing and adopting sustainable development goals by driving Responsible Consumption and Production, Industry Innovation & Infrastructure, Improving the Quality of Life on Land, and helping build Sustainable cities and communities.
Although it's important to note that while green concrete is a positive step toward environmental sustainability, it's not a one-size-fits-all solution. Besides the appropriate approach may vary based on local materials availability, climate conditions and project requirements.


Leader in Renewable Energy

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Our Values

Hence our core values serve as the foundation of our mission and journey. We recognize that the safety and well-being of our people and the public is our greatest responsibility. At Ducon Green, we utilize industrial waste materials to create green concrete, which partially replaces traditional concrete components such as cement or aggregate.

Finally we prioritize a safe environment and culture throughout all stages of our organization, striving for high-performance, continuous growth, and innovation to reflect excellence. We value and respect our diverse workforce, including their unique skills, talents, and cultures, and provide a safe and engaging environment. Sustainability is our utmost value and goal, as we aim to deliver the greenest environment in the region and the world.


Green concrete, also referred to as sustainable or eco-friendly concrete, is a type of concrete that is specifically designed and produced to minimize its environmental impact. This is achieved through the incorporation of innovative materials and practices that reduce resource consumption and carbon emissions. The use of green concrete offers a comprehensive approach to reducing the environmental impact of concrete production and construction.By adopting sustainable practices and materials, the construction industry can contribute to the creation of a more sustainable built environment and help mitigate the effects of climate change. In summary, green concrete presents a viable solution for reducing the environmental impact of concrete production and construction.

First concrete, a widely used construction material, is predominantly made up of cement, aggregates, and water. Extremely the conventional production of concrete is infamous for its significant carbon footprint, mainly due to the cement manufacturing process. In contrast, green concrete aims to reduce its environmental impact by tackling these challenges directly. In this case the emergence of green concrete marks a significant shift in the construction industry. As the world becomes increasingly environmentally aware, adopting sustainable practices is no longer a choice but a duty. The era of green concrete has arrived, and its potential to revolutionize the construction industry is immense.


In contemporary times, the term “green” has transcended its traditional association with colour and has come to represent the environment that surrounds us. The concept of “green concrete” is a revolutionary development in the history of the concrete industry.

This innovative approach involves the utilization of concrete waste materials such as slag, power plant waste, recycled concrete, mining and quarrying waste, waste glass, incinerator residue, red mud, burnt clay, sawdust, combustor ash, and foundry sand. Finally the Centre for Green Concrete aims to reduce the environmental impact of concrete by developing new technologies that consider all phases of a concrete construction’s life cycle.

green concrete
green concrete


To Achieve Zero Waste goals

Despite green concrete is a type of concrete that is made with sustainable materials and is designed to reduce the environmental impact of construction projects.